Pokemon Shadow League

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Pokemon Shadow League

This is a very fun place where you can hang out with Pokemon fans from all over the world. You can request trades, challenge a friend to a Wifi battle. You can also join tournaments and win prizes. We have a chatbox were you can chat with people.

    Advertise please. :]

    Site Admin
    Site Admin

    Number of posts : 301
    Location : LA
    Registration date : 2008-03-03

    Advertise please. :] Empty Advertise please. :]

    Post by Hooh4ever Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:39 am

    Well, as you see, Google is being lame and doesn't wanna put all of our pages on their index. We need more members for Google to love us. We are growing pretty quickly so, that is nice to know. :]

    Anyways, please advertise so we can get the gyms and E4 running soon.

    Here are some of the banners to use. Credit to: Rainebow.^

    Advertise please. :] Banner2no6

    Advertise please. :] Zangooseny2

    Advertise please. :] Pknsleagueel6

    ~Hooh4ever and Angelo23.

      Current date/time is Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:28 am