Pokemon Shadow League

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Pokemon Shadow League

This is a very fun place where you can hang out with Pokemon fans from all over the world. You can request trades, challenge a friend to a Wifi battle. You can also join tournaments and win prizes. We have a chatbox were you can chat with people.

2 posters

    Atention please to all applying for gyms.

    Site Admin
    Site Admin

    Number of posts : 344
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2008-03-05

    Atention please to all applying for gyms. Empty Atention please to all applying for gyms.

    Post by Angelo-kun Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:19 am

    I have realized that gym aplications are taking alittle to long. This should have been done in a more organized fashion but i guess its my fault, either way i have decided to make deadlines for team preparations. Concerning the first 4 gyms (Steel, Ghost/Dark, Ground/Rock, Water); finalized teams should be made by May 3rd, anything after that is unacceptable. Gym applications do not have to be met by this day, but teams should be finalized by May 3rd.
    In addition i may also consider rematches for gym applications due to misfortunes that may occur in applications (such as hax).

    As far as the other 4 gyms are concerned as of now we dont have many participants, so these rules don apply to the other 4 gyms (Grass/Poison, Fighting, Psychic, Flying). Although for those that have applied it is recomended that they get started on there team as soon as possible. The faster gym applications get done the better.

    Number of posts : 33
    Age : 32
    Location : Quebec
    Registration date : 2008-03-09

    Atention please to all applying for gyms. Empty Re: Atention please to all applying for gyms.

    Post by Albinism Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:26 am

    Just a little question to clear things up for myself?

    My team -is- finalized, and I was ready for testing last time, because I was at Luca's house.

    At -my- house, I have a wifi usb, but am waiting on my (rather impossible) step-father to put it in/install everything for me.
    I'd do it myself, or get Tanya to come over and do it (God, I love her. <3), but I don't have administrator programs on this computer, so cannot install anything. Dx

    I was wondering where my deadline lay? Because if that [without a father] doesn't put it in soon, I'm really going to start [female dog]ing at him. e_e

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