Pokemon of the Week
Roserade (Tier BL)
Natural Cure
Roserade's status (Burn, Paralyze, Sleep, Poision, Freeze) is healed when it is returned from the field.
Poision Point
When a pokemon makes physical contact with Roserade, it has a 30% chance of being poisoined.
Statistics | Min- | Min | Max | Max+ |
HP 60 | - | 261 | 324 | - |
Atk 70 | 158 | 176 | 239 | 262 |
Def 55 | 131 | 146 | 209 | 229 |
SpA 125 | 257 | 286 | 349 | 383 |
SpD 105 | 221 | 246 | 309 | 339 |
Spe 90 | 194 | 216 | 279 | 306 |
1st Set: Choice Specs
Nature: Timid/Modest
Leaf Storm
Hidden Power Fire / Ice
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball / Sludge Bomb
Recomended Item: Choice Specs
Recomended Ev. Spread: 6 HP, 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd
Roserade luuvs Choice Specs! With a 125 base spAtk a Specs Leaf Storm will hurt anything that doesnt resist it or is Blissey. Roserade can hit just as hard if not harder then Salamence, but unfortunately Roserade's moveset isnt as good. As for the hidden power, Fire can be used to hit things like Bronzong, Metagross, and Skarmory...while ice hits dragons. Ground is also an interesting choice, because it can hit things like Heatran.
2nd Set: WeatherRade
Nature: Timid
Weather Ball
Hidden Power Ice / Ground
Energy Ball
Recomended Item: Life Orb
Recomended Evs Spread: 6 Hp, 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd
Roserade might have a bit of trouble setting up Sunnday, but once its up Roserade will have a powerful fire weather ball to use. HP Ground is useful for fire types that resist everything else.
3th Set: Bulkyrade
Nature: Calm
Grass Knot / Energy Ball
Sleep Powder
Toxic Spikes
Leech Seed
Recomended Item: Leftovers
Recomended Ev. Spread: 172 HP / 224 SpDef / 112 Spe
Roserade's great spDef stat is sometimes overlooked. With this set, Roserade can be a good Special sponge, being able to put its opponents to sleep and being able to set up those annoying toxic spikes. 172 Hp evs reach 304 for leftovers, and 112 speed is to beat all Tyranitars, though you can use less speed if you want to. Blissey isnt killing this set anytime soon.
4th Set: Subseeder
Nature: Timid
HP Fire / Ice / Sleep Powder
Leech Seed
Recomended Item: Leftovers
Recomended Evs Spread: 172 Hp, 84 SpAtk, 252 Spd
Sceptile is a lot better with this set, but Roserade isnt bad. Like all Subseeders, use sub on the swtich, then seed the incoming pokemon. Sleep Powder can be used here
Other Options:
Roserade can learn spikes, but its illegal (I think) with sleep powder, making it harder to use. Synthesis can be used on the weather set. Aromatherpy could be useful, but there are pokemon better doing that job. Sludgebomb is a powerful stabbed attack, but it doesnt cover much.
Roserade is a lot better then its prevolution, and should see a lot more use then Roselia did last generation. Despite not having a great attacking movepool, it can hit hard with leaf storm. It might be hard to switch in, but once its in it can help your team.
Roserade, well, automatically runs into problems because its a grass type. It has a lot of weakness, and not too good of an attacking movepool. Steel types like Bronzong and Metagross can handle Roserade pretty easily. Dragon types like Salamence and Dragonite will have no problem with Roserade unless it carrys hidden power ice. Unless Roserade has the rare hp ground then Heatran will beat Roserade every time...just watch out for sleep powder. Attack it physically and Roserade can be taken down easily.
Last edited by Miyona on Sun May 04, 2008 11:00 pm; edited 1 time in total